
Introduction to this blog


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This is a blog that will be a sort of collection of my thoughts. It ranges from topics I feel heavily about and possibly dives into some more technical aspects of hobbies that I am interested in, like Computer science, computer hacking, telecommunications morse code, amateur radio, mechanical keyboards, music, movies, and more!

In my life, at the moment at least, I am going to be going back to University to study computer science. Primarily I hope to just refine some of my skills and to be more social. I am moving from a sort of large suburb that I live in to a much larger city, so it will be exciting to see that aspect of life.

I hope that this blog will help me express myself and almost be a sort of public journal. I am not very involved with the whole idea of the "personal web" but it has always interested me and I do love the web 1.0 asthetic.

I will likely create some bash scripts or c programs to automate the generation of a new page and link it in the Table of contents. Regardless, I hope that you read the next entry soon! Thanks again.
