
Welcome to Isaiah Deppong's Website.

Who am I?

I am an 21 year old software engineer who enjoys looking at low level/esoteric code, as well as computer graphics, reverse engineering, CI/CD, OSS, RestAPIs, and scripting (cronjobs ftw!). I have experience in C/C++, Rust, Java, and Python. I am a graduate of Wake Technical Community College in Software Development where I studied devops, CI/CD, version control agile development methodologies and more! In my spare time I am a contributor to Krita, an Open Source painting software written in C++ and the Qt5 Framework developed by the lovely people in the KDE team! I currently work teaching children programming through game development principles and have participated in game jams like Ludum Dare. I also draw frequently and enjoy listening to progressive and experimental metal, hip hop and jazz. I am also a licensed amateur radio operator, and enjoy talking to many people in various countries in morse code. (73!)

I have a blog that is here.

For Recruiters:

I am interested in cloud computing, software quality assurance, test driven development, devops, and software reliability. I am currently looking for work! For more information about some of my experience feel free to email me isaiahjdeppong [at] gmail [dot] com. I have many of my projects, finished and unfinished, on my github. Also take a look at my linkedin for more information.
